Thursday, April 28, 2011

Left at home

My parents have gone camping in my Airstream and have left me home!

They say that the place they're going to does not allow canines!  Who picks these places!  I've heard that many of Metro Unit's canines are very upset about this.  Some are even having their parents boycott the even.

However, my parents are going!  The only reason that I forgive them is that my BFF Melanie is staying with me.  We have lots of fun together.  I'll tell you about it the next time I get on the computer.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Being brushed

I finally let my mom brush me today.  I was VERY cooperative.

My mom took these pictures to show how much I NEEDED to be brushed.

I guess that mothers always DO know best!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Uncooperative - me?

Yes, my mother called me uncooperative today!  Me, the most pleasant of canines!  It was just that I did NOT want to get brushed at that particular time!

My mother must have realized that I wasn't really being uncooperative - just assertive because she took me for a ride to see my good friend Pat, the mother of my BFF Melanie.  She was very happy to see me and petted me - then we sat on the grass and talked.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get brushed.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Catching up

I'm home again and it's been a very busy week or so catching up on things.  I've barely had time relax on my lawn.
Well, I did have a few minutes....

One day my parents took me to spend the day at the spa I frequent.  The staff was very happy to see me.  I spent a lot of the time with a lovely canine named Zoe.

The next day my parents took me to a new pet shop that had opened near us.  It is owned by the parents and brother of a canine that I camp with named Trouper.  I was impressed - they have many different kinds of dog food and toys.  It also had fish - I barked at the fish.
This is a picture of me and my Dad in front of the store.  It's called Pets Warehouse.  If you can't get to the store to check it out in person, it has a great website - this is it  If you order something, tell them Belle the traveling dog sent you.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

On the road

They don't call me Belle the traveling dog for nothing!  My parents and I are currently on the road heading back to NY.

I can't wait to check out my back yard again!  Ah, freedom!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Another cartoon..

Of course my all time favorite cartoon is...
If you are a canine and have a favorite cartoon, please share it with me..

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


It's ALWAYS about possums!

Monday, April 4, 2011

A party...

Yesterday my parents and I went to a party at my Uncle Bob's.  There was a Blue Grass Band playing...
..even though they were very good I was still the center of attention...

 ..and, of course I constantly made new friends...

Everyone made sure that I ate well and I helped out by guarding some of the refreshments.
It was a delightful day,  I always enjoy seeing my Uncle Bob and going for a ride with my parents.  I slept very well when I got home.