Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm Jewish!

I'm always excited when my parents remind me that I am Jewish!  I enjoy celebrating the holidays with them because they usually revolve around food...

This holiday is the new year.  Even though we were camping we celebrated it by eating especial foods my Mom made.  Yesterday my brother Josh came up to eat with us on the holiday.  We also ate with my dear friend Trouper's parents Bob and Cathy.

Today we celebrated again with food.  We had a special dinner with our friends Jerry and Bill and Adam and our new friends Tom and Jackie.  This is a picture of us celebrating...

You'll have to figure out who is who by yourself:)

1 comment:

  1. Anything involving food is fun. You have lots of nice friends, but we don't know who is who.
    Sadie, Sam & Trixie
