Monday, October 17, 2011

A Saturday trip

I've still been a bit under the weather.  My parents tell me that I am no longer a young puppy and I take longer to heal, but I must say I am getting tired of just laying around - although I do lay around most attractively!

Anyhow, on Saturday my parents took me for a ride to a place with a small beach.  We took a very nice walk around the beach area and then walked out on a pier to look at the water.  It was very windy and the moorings shook a lot.  As we were going back to the car we met a man who said there were no dogs allowed in the park but I could stay because I was so pretty.  My parents said that what he actually said was that since no one was around I could stay, but I prefer to believe otherwise!  It was a very nice day.
This is a picture of me looking at the water while my parents talked with the park man.

1 comment:

  1. It sucks getting old, doesn't it?
    Sadie, Sam & Trixie
