Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My latest trip

My parents and I went on a road trip on Saturday to see some of my camping friends.  They were very happy to see me.

This is me and my Dad and my friend Annette:

 Some of the people stood around a machine and sang.  My mom sang too.  She shouldn't have...
These are some people singing...

After everyone sang and ate and I had my bully stick we went home and I got to sleep in my own bed!


  1. Did you sing too, Belle? We like singing, but Mom covers her ears when we do. How rude!!
    Sadie, Sam & Trixie

  2. Oh, you must have such wonderful voices! I can tell by looking at your pictures. Your Mom is just pretending not to like it so you won't get swelled heads!

    Personally, I do not sing. Sometimes I yodel.
