Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's been strange at my house

I haven't written for a while because it's been very strange at my house.

One day my Dad went out and came home wearing a funny thing on his arm.  He slept a lot on his chair and then he slept on the couch at night.  I didn't know what to do...should I sleep with my Dad or go upstairs and sleep with my Mom in the bedroom?  Some nights I just went up and down.  That made me very tired.

On Sunday night my brother came out - that made things easy...I slept with him.

Tonight I am sleeping in the camper with my Dad.  This is all very odd.

Otherwise everything is the same...

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of decisions to make. We hope things settle down around there soon.
    Sadie, Sam & Trixie
